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Expand your knowledge about risk and how to manage it.
According to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2019, for the seventh year in a row, executives and insurance experts worldwide are most concerned about business interruption risk scenarios.
For cybersecurity professionals, the nature of risk management is evolving from an outside-in fear-and-avoidance approach to a strong inside-out approach.
Increasing globalization and the associated business transformation mean that enterprises are now complex networks dependent on both the nodes within other organizations and the nodes within the same organization.
Things have been changing in the risk management arena these last few years.
Over the decades, information systems security has evolved in many ways.
Crowdsourcing cybersecurity risk management across the enterprise presents opportunities for security leaders to bolster their program resilience through other resources.
As organizations increase adoption of cloud services for running enterprise architecture and applications, auditors are required to step up their game and learn new in-depth audit skills.
Anniversaries always spark the desire to revisit the events that have taken us from then to now. ISACA’s 50th anniversary is no exception.
IT auditors are important to information security and have been since the auditing profession realized it needed to get hip to machines in the basement that were eating their balance sheets.
The IT Assurance Framework (ITAF) requires that the IS audit and assurance function shall use an appropriate risk assessment approach and supporting methodology to develop the overall IS audit plan.
What is the biggest security challenge that will be faced in 2019?
Innovation teams research new and innovative ways for the business to compete. This usually means accelerating a development cycle.
With an increasing focus on and potential exposure to confidential data, and every organization must take the appropriate precautions to secure customer data.
Digital technologies have profoundly changed lives, blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds.
A bad plan with good execution can be considered a dream come true, but a good plan with poor execution can be a nightmare.
Cybersecurity and information security (cyber) professionals, staff, managers and board members are faced with the real issue of how to deal with cyberrisk, and this is a high priority for board members.
Patches are quick fixes of known software bugs that presumably were not known at the time that the software was released.
The impact of IT on business operations cannot be ignored in today’s business environment.
For those who may think that any form of governance of enterprise IT (GEIT) is better than no IT governance, it is important to consider the fact that poor IT governance is a significant, documented cause of IT failure.
The terms “information security” and “cybersecurity” are commonly used to address risk to information.