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Data ecosystems are changing around the globe. Organizations striving to keep pace must pay attention as compliance standards and regulations continue to evolve—or risk jeopardizing their business.
Board committees focused on technology and cybersecurity, when properly constituted, have a better ability to provide effective governance and critical scrutiny, which guides management in identifying and mitigating cyberrisk.
To make compliance efficient and effective, all neccessary requirements must be combined, baselines established and one global information security management system developed.
It is critical that organizations understand and embed ethics when developing and implementing emerging technologies, thereby validating their responsible technology processes throughout the life cycle.
To remain innovative, the internal audit function needs to adjust its activities and value propositions to align with the demands of the 4IR era.
Updating the traditional software development methodology to include data risk-based development enables organizations to avoid any penalties that may be imposed due to a lack of controls and noncompliance with regulations and laws.
By acknowledging the complexities of security and cooperating with the element of fear, enterprises are empowered to focus on their most critical sources of risk.
The Israeli government’s new demands on financial institutions tasked a cyber operations manager employed at one of the largest financial institutions in Israel with establishing a new cyberops team within the infosec department to develop a plan for achieving compliance, among other responsibilities.
Performance and risk indicators are essential sources for measuring the effectiveness of the protection measures adopted.
Digital twin technology using AI and ML in the automotive industry can enhance the overall design and efficiency of automotives; however, these technologies pose cybersecurity risk.
We have been valuing and evaluating security based on the absence of breaches. A much more positive approach is to project the value of security in terms of quality, reliability and value to the customer.
Risk management, governance and controls, audit verification, and validation that the intended use and benefits of the software are achieved help elevate the maturity of the healthcare information flow.
As the incoming chair of the ISACA Board of Directors, how do you see ISACA growing and adapting to the constantly changing workplace and needs of its constituents over the next year?
The DTEF spans all parts of the enterprise, as can be clearly seen by examining either the Culture or Architecture domains.
A look at the software supply chain through the lens of an SBOM—what it is, how it can help you, and how you can adapt your own program to practically incorporate it.
Ninety-three percent of enterprises believe that collecting, managing, storing and analyzing data must improve, confirming that major efforts are needed to address the global state of data management.
Incorporating human factors engineering early into the design process of systems and processes will lead to fewer errors in the use of the product in the field.
Enterprises must address the minimum controls an enterprise and subservice organization should consider implementing; these can then be customized to better suit specific operational needs.
The pain points resulting from disconnected legacy applications were mainly related to inefficient processes, data inconsistencies and a lack of visibility into opportunities for improvement and growth.
Traditional audit methods may no longer be adequate; auditors must keep up with new developments and challenges and adapt their audit approach as needed.
Organizations and vendors alike struggled to discover where they used Log4j, and hackers compounded the problem by combining vulnerabilities, which contributed to confusion and response fatigue.
Text mining allows enterprises to improve controls related to privacy policies by considering the proper use of privacy terms, developing a common vocabulary for a particular industry or sector and observing the use of relevant terms prescribed by regulators.
For automated systems to operate effectively and achieve the desired outcomes, it is essential to have more sophisticated change management controls.
To mitigate the risk associated with the speed of technological change, organizations can invest in technology foresight and monitoring efforts to stay informed about emerging technologies and their potential risk.
A proposed framework can be used to fast-track a log management program, which will ultimately improve the overall security and risk posture of any organization.